作者:李佳星 时间:2023-12-25 点击数:
根据湖北省教育厅《关于下达2023-2024学年湖北省国际学生奖学金项目立项及名额的通知》有关精神,经本人申请,培养学院评分,皇冠国际体育appapp审核,报分管校领导,拟推荐MOYO SIMBARASHE、BEBELLEH ALICE、BASHKAREV VLADIMIR、ALLADURDYYEV DOVLETMYRAT、SAHAR ALI和ROY PAUL SHIMANTO等6名国际学生为湖北省国际学生奖学金项目获得者。现予以公示,名单详见附件。
No. | 姓名 Name | 性别 Gender | 护照号 Passport N | 国籍 Nationality | 专业 Major |
1 | ALLADURDYYEV DOVLETMYRAT | 男 | A0768438 | 土库曼斯坦 | 纺织工程 |
2 | ROY PAUL SHIMANTO | 男 | B00855161 | 孟加拉国 | 纺织工程 |
3 | MOYO SIMBARASHE | 男 | ZP084659 | 赞比亚 | 环境科学与工程 |
4 | SAHAR ALI | 男 | QD1828371 | 巴基斯坦 | 计算机科学与技术 |
5 | BEBELLEH ALICE | 女 | G4218286 | 加纳 | 工商管理 |
6 | BASHKAREV VLADIMIR | 男 | FA0445193 | 乌兹别克斯坦 | 工商管理 |
According to the Notice of Hubei Provincial Department of Education on Issuing the Program Approval and Seats of Hubei International Student Scholarship Program for the 2023-2024 Academic Year, after the personal application, the Departments’ grading, the School of International Education's reviewing and reporting to the school leaders, it is proposed to recommend six international students, including MOYO SIMBARASHE, BEBELLEH ALICE, BASHKAREV VLADIMIR, ALLADURDYYEV DOVLETMYRAT, SAHAR ALI and ROY PAUL SHIMANTO, as the winners of the Hubei International Student Scholarship Program. It is hereby publicized. Please refer to the attachment for the name list.
Public notice period: from December 25, 2023 to December 29, 2023, which are 5 working days. If you have any objection to the list below, please report and explain the specifics to the School of International Education during the period.
International Education Collage
December 25, 2023